2023 ESPecially 4 U [Unit 3] English for Masterclasses 用模擬大師班學大師班英語

Dear All,

ESPecially 4 U is back!

We’re thrilled to announce that Dr. Keith M. Graham, a sought-after bilingual education expert, is finally booked as our guest speaker for this semester. To many people’s surprise, Dr. Graham himself majored music, too. He tailored the workshop for the students in College of Music to learn ESP through this particular mock masterclass.

Dr. Graham requires a brief music passage from each of you. But don’t worry about it. The point is about English conversation but not your brilliant music techniques. Just sigh up and show up! You’ll be surprised at what you’ve learned.

Oct. 18, 2013, 17:30 Alois Osterwalder Hall (College of Music, NTNU, 2F)

音樂學院的 ESP 英語工作坊回來啦!

我們從2021年就開始邀約的柯琦老師(Dr. Keith M. Graham) ,寶貴時間總算可以撥給音樂學院了!近年來都是以雙語師資培訓專家這個身份為人所知,所以很多人不知道柯琦老師大學也是音樂系畢業的呢!由他來帶這場工作坊,可說是再專業不過了!更何況,來這裡除了能學音樂專業英語,還能收獲老師最專精的課程內容設計與互動教學引導。還在等什麼?快來報名吧!

2023/10/18 17:30 師大音樂學院二樓歐樂思廳
