


113-1 Semester

Registration of final music practical exam

(登錄期間:11月04日- 11月22日17:00)

注意!!! 大四管樂主修(修習管樂器(八))擊樂主修(修習敲擊樂(八))理論作曲主修(修習理論作曲(八))


  請同學於登錄期限內點選表單登錄期末考曲目,登錄完成表單後系統會自動寄曲目表至信箱,請至Email信箱下載曲目表(內容超過一面請雙面列印請指導老師同意簽名後,交至各班班代(請各班班代確認曲目表上除指導老師簽名欄為手寫以外,其他欄位不可有其他手寫更改)並由各班班代收齊並依照學號排序於11月26日(二) 16:30前繳交至系辦(教務),輔系(他系)的同學請親自繳回系辦(教務)。



*重要* 未繳交指導老師同意之曲目表視為未報名參加期末術科考試! 當科期末考試以0分計算!

Please fill in the form to register for the final exam music repertoire within the log-in period. Once the form is completed, the system will send the repertoire lists to your mailbox. Please download and print the repertoire list from your email inbox. If your content is more than one page, please print it using double-sided printing. The form should be signed by your main professor and then handed the form to the class leader. The only handwriting allowed on the paper is the professor’s signature, the form mustn’t be corrected with any other handwritings. 

Noted: The class leader should collect all the repertoire lists and then submit them to the music department teaching affairs office before 11/26 16:30 according to the order of the student ID number. Students from other departments should return their personal repertoire lists to the music department’s teaching affairs office in person.

*This semester does not have the epidemic situation considerations as previous semester. Thus, the repertoire must be signed by the professor in the paper. Electronic signatures or consent certificates are not allowed. 

*If your email is correct but not receiving exam repertoire, please download the files personally from the drive

*Failure in submitting the repertoire approved by the professor will be regarded as failure to register for the final exam. The final exam will be counted as zero point.




Please fill up the form. If you are logging in using mobile phone, the minor form is on the right side of the page.

(E.g. If you are major in wind instruments, minor in piano and vocal, please fill up three forms with this order, and so on.)

(主修Major )鋼琴Piano
(主修Major )聲樂Vocal
(主修Major )絃樂器String
(主修Major )管樂器Wind
(主修Major )敲擊樂Percussion
(主修Major )理論作曲Compose
(主修Major )傳統樂器Traditional Instrument
(副修Minor)傳統樂器Traditional Instrument


◎(Additional log-in) Please fill in this form to register for your exam repertoires if you exceed the deadline.


◎(Major change) Students that completed this application in April please fill in this form for the major change this semester. (limited to Year 1 2nd semester students to apply)


◎If you need to change the repertoire after the registration deadline, please inform the judges on the test day.


◎The date of the final exam has been listed on the calendar. Please be sure to attend the exam on the day of the exam. Those who do not attend the final exam will not be allowed to retake the exam.